Disable Sleep in Map View

Turn this switch on to prevent the device from sleeping while the map view is visible.

Bearing/Distance in Feature/Search Details

Turn this switch on the include the bearing from the current location and the distance from the current location in feature details.  This will appear in Search Result details as well as in feature details when displaying all features in a feature set (eg, for an offline vector layer in the Data Store Directory).

Display Coordinates as MGRS

Instead of displaying (X, Y) coordinates, the MGRS grid reference will be displayed.

Enter Coordinates as MGRS

Instead of entering locations as X and Y (or longitude and latitude) coordinates locations canl be entered as MGRS grid references (eg, when creating a Waypoint, a Point Feature or a Line/Polygon Feature vertex) by known coordinates or grid reference).

Info Panel Title Text Size

The text size for all headings in all info panels (eg, current location info, tracking info).

Info Panel Data Text Size

The text size for all data in all info panels (eg, current location info, tracking info).

Disable Pinch-to-Rotate

Turn this switch on to prevent the map from being rotated while pinching to resize the map with two fingers.

Line Label Simplification Factor

For text labels of lines (ignored for labels of points and polygons).

A higher value results in line labels following a simpler geometry resulting in easier to read labels.

A lower value results in line labels following the line more accurately.

(The simplification factor or ‘tolerance’ used by the Douglas Peucker Algorithm to generate the simplified geometry.  It is also multiplied by the map resolution and Symbology Scale factor so that it adjusts dynamically as the map zoom and symbology are changed.)