The Online Services Directory is used to manage network map service configurations.
Layers added to the map from these network services will not work when the device has no network connection. However, areas of these layers can be downloaded and saved as offline maps which will work when there is no network.
View/Manage Online Service Directory
Tap the Online Services Directory button on the Main Map View to see the Online Services Directory
Add Online Map Service
Add a new online map services to the Online Service Directory.
First, navigate to the Online Services Directory (see above)
- Tap ‘+’ (bottom toolbar)
- Enter the URL of the online service
- To view information about supported service types and URL templates, tap ‘URL Help’ (or ‘?’ on the main Directory view)
- Tap ‘Add Online Service’
- The service will be added to the Directory, if no errors were found with it
View Layers Available from a Service
Items of types that can contain multiple layers (such as WFS and WMTS) have a disclosure chevron to the right of their names (>).
- Tap an item with a disclosure chevron (>) to display its available layers
- This will query the online service to determine which layers are available and then display these layers in a table
Some online services provide only a single layer (such as XYZ). These services do not have a disclosure chevron next to their names.
Add a Layer to the Map
- Tap the add-to-map button to the right of a layer name to add that layer to the map
For a layer within a service with multiple layers, tap the service first, to see its layers then tap the layer’s add-to-map button.
The layer will be added to the map as a basemap, and the previously visible basemap will no longer be visible (only one basemap can be visible at a time). It can be changed to a non-basemap layer using the Map Layers view, if desired.
NB: Not all supported services will work correctly with Bit Map, even if they use a supported service protocol. Eg, Only WFS services that support the ‘GEOJSON’ output format will work with Bit Map.
For WFS services, a maximum of 1000 features will be downloaded from the service at a time. The server may also impose a smaller limit than this.
If a service does not work as expected, contact support and in some cases it may be possible to extend Bit Map’s ability use additional services.
Paste Copied Item into the Directory
- Tap the Paste button (bottom toolbar)
- If layer service has been copied, it will be pasted to the Directory (with a number appended to the name if required to avoid a duplicate name)
- This can be used in conjunction with copy to duplicate a service (see ‘Share or Copy’ below)
Edit Items
Rename Item
- Tap ‘Edit’ (bottom toolbar)
- Tap the item to be renamed
- Enter the new name
- Tap ‘OK’
Re-order Items
- Tap ‘Edit’ (bottom toolbar)
- Drag and drop network service items into the desired order using the handle (3 horizontal lines) to the right of each item
- Tap ‘Done’ (bottom toolbar)
Share or Copy a Service
- Tap the service to view its layers
- Tap the share/action button (bottom toolbar)
- Tap ‘Share’ to send the item to another person or device; or
- Tap ‘Copy’ to copy the item to the pasteboard
- This can then be pasted into the Directory using the Directory’s ‘+’ button (see above) to duplicate the item
View or Copy Metadata
An online service’s metadata includes URL, spatial reference system (authority code) and a variety of other attributes of the online service. These values can be useful for diagnosing unexpected behaviours or for re-creating similar online service configurations on the same or other devices.
- Tap ‘Edit’ (bottom toolbar)
- Tap the ‘i’ button next to a layer
- The metadata for that layer will be displayed
- Optionally, press-and-hold on a metadata attribute to copy the value for that attribute to the pasteboard